1st Phorm Opti-Greens 50 – The Best Supplement for Gut Health

1st Phorm’s Opti-Greens 50 is a natural supplement for gut health that contains powerful prebiotics, probiotics and antioxidants. The formula supports the immune system and helps maintain healthy stomach and intestinal functionEnter your text here… Product Spotlight: Opti-Greens 50 by 1st Phorm. If you have not heard about the benefits of good gut health and […]
Brick & Iron Cafe: More Than Just Smoothie Bowls

7 Acai Berry Benefits to Your Health

A Kids Protein Smoothie They Will Want to Eat

A kids protein shake for picky eaters, good eaters, and even the non eaters. This Recipe has been tested and approved by them all. “Tricking your child” No one wats to deceive their child, but sometimes we have to bedazzle the truth a little to make ideas more palatable. Getting our kids to eat a […]
It is not just the quantity, but also the quality of the calories we eat.

Do you ever wonder why your “diet” is not working? Having a calorie goal will only get you so far if the quality of the calorie is not there. It is not just a numbers game It always starts the same way. You decide today is the day, today is the day I am going […]
Easy Mixed Berry and Protein Overnight Oats Recipe

Finally an easy mixed berry protein overnight oats recipe that will help you reach your goals that tastes good too! We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day (if you didn’t…. SURPRISE breakfast is the most important meal of the day!). Unfortunately most of us don’t take the time to eat […]
Do I Really Need a Daily Multivitamin?

If you have read my previous blogs, What are Fats? Learn why you should not fear them, Carbohydrates: to eat or not to eat?, and The Importance of Protein and your weight loss/gain goals, then you have a good understanding about your macronutrients. What about our micronutrients? Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals that are essential for […]
Carbohydrates: to eat or not to eat?

What are Fats? Learn why you should not fear them.

Fat is a macronutrient required in our diet. Previously I wrote about the other two macronutrients, protein in the Importance of Protein and your Weight Loss Goals, and carbohydrates in What are carbohydrates? Fats are important for energy, organ protection, skin health, and helping other nutrients do what they need to do. Without fats we […]